Key Facts About Us
Students: 147
Year established: 1926
Faculty & Staff: 26
Average class size: 15 students
A Note from Mrs. Tran
Wasn’t I just writing to you on a Wednesday snow day? I’m hoping this is our last one because even our kids want the warm, spring weather to come back and STAY! As I look at the crazy blizzard outside from the comfort of my home with functioning electricity (although flickering), I’m very thankful. My youngest is sick, my second is impersonating a fire truck siren every 20 minutes, and my oldest is refusing to let me remove a sliver with big tears in his eyes; but I know if any one of them was gone, I’d miss them terribly. Today is a good opportunity to count the obvious blessings and the more difficult blessings, especially as I’m sure many of you may be running low on PTO days with snow day #6. If you have struggled keeping your Lenten promises and sacrifices, this would be a good one to do for the day.
In the climate of the Gospel values, we strive to provide academic excellence as we serve as a school community and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
To Know, Love and Serve God
Our News & Announcements
Easter Break
Easter Break will be from Holy Thursday, April 17 through Easter Tuesday, April 22. School will resume on Wednesday, April 23.
Stations & Fish Fries
Each Friday, there will be a school Stations of the Cross from 2:50-3:10pm and a fish fry from 5-7pm in the school gym.
Bishop’s Day Off – Friday
There will be no school on Friday, March 28 due to a Bishop's Day Off.