Key Facts About Us

Students: 145

Year established: 1926

Faculty & Staff: 26

Average class size: 15 students

A Note from Mrs. Tran

We have exciting news—Mr. Joseph Ambs, our new JH English & Literature teacher, has a new baby boy as of early Tuesday morning. Pio John was born, making the Ambs family a family of four with his older sister! All are healthy and doing well. Please say a prayer for Mr. Ambs and his family, and we plan to see him back sometime next week.




In the climate of the Gospel values, we strive to provide academic excellence as we serve as a school community and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.


To Know, Love and Serve God

Our News & Announcements

No School

There will be no school on Friday, October 11 and Monday, October 14.

Picture Retakes – Fri, September 27

Picture retakes will be Friday, September 27. Students can come to school in picture clothes and bring uniform clothes to change into afterwards.